Corbett Software

Refund Policy

Our privacy policy describes how we collect, use, and manage your personal data.

30 Days Money Back from the Date of Purchase*

Refund Policy

At Corbett Software , we believe that our customers deserve the best, and so, we strive to the deliver products and services that will enable them to do work that matters.

That said, if for some reason, our customers didn’t think the our products were the right fit for their needs, we still go out of our way to satisfy them. To this end, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee from the date of purchase.

For the refund, you have to send an email request at ....... . Someone from customer support team will get back to you and they will immediately initiate the refund if the following conditions are met:

Rejection of Refund Request:

At Corbett Software , we believe that our customers deserve the best, and so, we strive to the deliver products and services that will enable them to do work that matters.

There are some cases, however, in which your refund request will be declined:

Still Haven’t Received Your Refund?

If more than 30-business days have passed and you still haven’t received your refund yet, you can reach out to us at Someone from our customer support team will reach out to you at the earliest and help with refund – provided that you do, indeed, qualify for the refund.

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